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3 advantages of digital marketing for a business

3 advantages of digital marketing for a business 0

With digitalization, the world is hyper connected. According to a study conducted in 2019, people spend twice as much time online as they did 10 years ago, their lifestyles have changed significantly. Offline marketing has lost all effectiveness compared to online marketing. The latter is increasingly becoming the occupation for companies wanting to adapt to the age of digitalization.

But what are the advantages of digital marketing?

Akasan tech presents 3 advantages of digital marketing for a business:

1.The cost

Unlike digital marketing, standard marketing alone represented a significant portion of the company's budget due to the fact that one must pay for printing and other advertising. Digital marketing allows you to spend less and reach more customers through digital channels.

  1. Communication

Digital marketing gives you direct access to a multitude of information on the customer, their behavior, their preferences which will allow you to readjust your strategies and be able to better meet the expectations of your customers.

  1. The audience

The Internet gives you the possibility of reaching targets spread across the four corners of the globe 24 hours a day, without having to move with just one click. All this allowing you to better manage your budget.

Digital marketing gives you the opportunity to assert yourself, regardless of the size of your business, by using digital channels to optimize your business's revenue.

An effective way to avoid debt

An effective way to avoid debt 0

Do you ever find yourself unable to fall asleep at night? Are you stressed at the thought of receiving a call or message reminding you to come and pay off a debt you don't yet have?

Or even worse you receive threats.

How to avoid these kinds of situations?

Akasantech presents you with an effective way to avoid debt.

Avoid “buy now, pay later” types of offers

"Buy now, pay later" offers have many benefits, they can save your life and offer many opportunities, but they can lead to over-indebtedness. So if your financial situation is not good, spend within your means. You will have your whole life ahead of you to save and achieve what you really want.

There are many other tips for avoiding debt.

Do you have a tip of your own?

Share it with us!

2 bags to avoid the phone or

2 bags to avoid the phone or 0

Anpil moun itilize telefòn nan yon bi byen detèmine. People who can play, people who are distracted, people who can learn. Ki vle di se you aparèy ki itil nou men konsa tu li ka gen move kote si nou mal itilizel. Kisa pou ou evite fè lè ou gen you telefòn?
Akasan pote pou ou de (2) bagay pou w evite fè ak yon telefòn.
1- Pause your phone on the phone
You can also use your phone to watch your phone and watch it. It's not good to have a phone call, but it's a good idea to say what you're saying. De preferans kitel chaje after deplogel for w itilizel.
2- Pa kite telefòn ou len bò tèt ou lèw ap domi.
After all, ond ke telefòn yo emèt kapab gen vye konsekans su sevow, tankou kansè ak timè, li kapab baw somèy tou. You can call us on your phone but you don't have to worry about it.
If you want to move on to the telephone, you'll be able to download it later, you'll have it all.
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3 tips for sleeping well at night

3 tips for sleeping well at night 0

Sleep plays an important role in the functioning of our body, in fact it ensures the proper functioning of your memory faculties of the brain and acts as a restorative.

However, bad habits can prevent these mechanisms. How to improve the quality of your sleep?

Akasan Tech presents 3 tips:

  1. Take a shower

Bathing before sleeping gives you a feeling of freshness, especially during this period of intense heat. Take your shower 1 hour before going to bed. This reduces the chances of waking up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat.

  1. Relax

Sometimes stress prevents us from sleeping well. Relax and remember 3 positive things you accomplished during the day. This process will help you sleep easier.

  1. Stay away from screens

Studies have already shown that late use of screens reduces sleep time and alters its architecture: “techno-addicts” wake up more often during the night, they have less deep sleep and have more nightmares. In this sense, prioritize your sleep by closing your electronic gadgets.

Furthermore, sleeping well has positive consequences on the quality of your day, it allows you to have a productive day.

What other benefits do good hours of sleep give us?

Share your opinions with us.