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Never give up

Never give up 0

Uncertainty reigns across the world. Faced with this crisis situation, many people feel tired and want to abandon their dream projects.

Where are you?

Know well that if you have the capacity to think, it is because you are still alive, and, if you are alive, you must fight to make your dreams come true. The important thing is to be positive and find all the reasons to live. Take advantage of the time of confinement to review your plans and strategies. Note that if you don't have one yet, this is the ideal time to set goals and develop your achievement plan. The period we are going through is none other than a law of nature, after day comes night, the most beautiful water will flow after the flooded river. The important thing is not to get carried away by the rise of the river. The world needs good people who provide solutions, not those who lament their fate and are ready to give up at every obstacle. If you give up, you miss out on the beautiful life you deserve and the world moves on without you.

Think, plan and get ready for exploits after the river recedes!

5 abitid or dwe adopts the maten for or rete motivate pandan all jounen an

5 abitid or dwe adopts the maten for or rete motivate pandan all jounen an 0

Pandan konfinman, nou pase pifò tan nou lakay nou, nou vin antre nan you routine ki fè nou ka santi nou fatigue epi vin estrese all. Men gen mwayen ke ou kapab itilize pou fe moral ou toujou rete ro pandan move inpas ke nou tout lan mond lan ap travese. Akasan ap pwopoze or senk bagay or dwe fe to get up motivated every morning?
1. Bwè you bon vè dlo tyèd ak ji sitron lew fek leve, sa edew boule move grès epi eliminate toksin nan kò a.
2. You need to have a minimum of 30 mins to rechofe kow to protect the device's system or.
3. Fè lekti pandan o mwen 1 è de tan, sa ap edew devlope sèvow epi relaxation.
4. Pase tan ak fanmi ou, fè jwet sosyete pou kenbe lespri w okipe.
5. Pran kou en liy nan you domèn kap itil ou.
Li pa fasil pou moun ki gen abitid travay ret nan kay san yo pap fe anyen men nou ka pwofite de konfinman pou nou pran swen ko nou epi meble lespri nou.
Ki morning routine or pandan konfinman?
Or you can pataje li ak nou nan komantè.
Three tips to regain self-confidence

Three tips to regain self-confidence 0

Everyone has been there, a bad experience, goals left undone, dreams not achievable, failures encountered during our lives.
It's often said that the best way to learn is to experiment, but it's not always easy to get back on track. In fact, it's not the experience itself that's the problem, it's our reaction to it that is. After a bad experience, we tend to to blame ourselves, to tell ourselves that we are not up to the task, to devalue ourselves and then we end up believing it and then we repeat the same mistakes.
How to regain self-confidence?
Akasan Tech offers you 3 tips to help you regain self-confidence:
1- Take action
Lack of self-confidence is not inevitable, on the contrary it is built, worked on, shaped day by day. It should be noted that inaction fuels lack of self-confidence, so take action today, accomplish one thing, however small it may be to feed your subconscious with positive energy.
2- Highlight your strengths
This tip follows taking action, looking for your strengths, highlighting them and striving for excellence.
3- Stop comparing yourself to others.
This habit has a bad influence on our self-esteem, we tend to believe that others are better than us.
Most of the time we take into account the successes of others to evaluate ourselves, while each person is unique and has their respective strengths.
You can do it, give yourself time and you will see. Having self-confidence will allow you to achieve your goals and face all the difficulties of life.
Kèk konsèy pou ou ka mete disiplin lakay ou

Kèk konsèy pou ou ka mete disiplin lakay ou 0

Sa bank anpil moun, or di "bon jodiya m deside map li 3 paj liv chak jou", "m deside semèn sa map fè menaj nan tout kay la", "m deside chak maten map fe egzèsis" oswa ou kon di "jodiya m deside poum travay sou memwa fen etid mwen chak jou", yon pakèt angajman ou konn bay tèt ou ke ou pa janm arive kenbe paske ou pa disipline, alòske anpil moun ki reyisi yo fè de disiplin youn nan pi bon zanmi yo. Accordingly, my discipline always returns to you if you choose to do so and you will have the objective to see if it has failed.

Men kèk konsèy Akasan pote pou ou pouw ka mete disiplin lakay ou

Fe lis avantaj saw vle fè a ap pote pou ou.

Pa gade disiplin tankou yon sanksyon oswa tankou yon bagay yo fòsew fè men pito gade tout avantaj ke sa kapab pote nan laviw.

Ekzanp: Sim li 3 paj liv chak jou lap bon pou mwen, lap edem avek vokabilè, epi map gen plis konesans. Se konsa siw wè bon kote yo sèlman lap ede ou angajew nan sa ou gen pou ou fè a.

Pran pasyan ak tèt ou.

If you don't know what to do with it, you can adapt it to your abitid or your wine, if you don't have a disipline, you can use it for your bag and your tanzantan wine for your wine.

Rekonpanse sooner or later

According to Tony Robens, we are working with tanks and are in pain. Chak fwa ou fè tout saw gen pouw fè lew gen pou fèl, always pran you tan pou selebre viktwa sa, konsa sèvo a pral asosye disiplin a you mom of plezi.

Disiplin pa fasil e li pa fèt yon sèl kou, gen you abitid ki ap vini a chak fwa ke ou respekte saw gen pouw fè, sa ap edew tou siw ekri tout saw gen pouw fè nan you fèy e ke ou koche chak saw fè, sa ap edew rete motivate epi kontinye kenbe fèm.

Epi avèk le tan sa ap vin you abitid natirèl pou fè tout saw gen pouw fè lew gen pouw fel.