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Paj Facebook akont Facebook, what are the differences?

Paj Facebook akont Facebook, what are the differences?
Anpil moun itilize rezo sosyal sa.Genyen se pou kominike, genyen se pou distraksyon...
Gen moun tou se pou biznis yo. Men eskew konnen diferans ant yon kont ak yon paj?
Now there are 3 differences between them:
1.Pou yon kont Facebook yo pale de “number of friends” aloske pou yon paj yo pale de “number of subscribers oswa “number of likes”
2. You can count on your Facebook account to have 5,000 subscribers.
3. We go to Facebook to promote your product, to select it, to pay your money, to pay for it and you can find it on your website and you have money.
You can go to Facebook for promotions or promotions or, you can avoid promotions in your account or pass Facebook to your account.
Or gen yon paj Facebook already? lage non li anba post la, nap follow li.

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