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Kòman ou ka ekonomize entènèt sur telefòn ou

Kòman ou ka ekonomize entènèt sur telefòn ou

Anpil moun souvan ap plenyen pou entènèt yo ki finished quickly, swa yo te kite yon pil MB epi nan demen tout disparèt, menm minit yo pa gen ankò.

His souvan bank se akoz gen aplikasyon ke menm si ou pap itilize yo ap mache ak entènèt.

To verify the application it is your epi femen for your ball entènèt, men prosesis la:

1.Or prale nan “Settings”

2.Wap chwazi “General”

3.Nan meni an wap klike sou “Refresh in background”

4.The wap wè tout aplikasyon ki active entènet ou, ou ka chwazi sa ou vle dezaktive yo. It's just what you want to do.

5.Epi siw vle kanpe tout, ou ka chwazi “No”

Whether or not it is appropriate, the economy is entirely dependent on everything.

Astis its seviw to you? Pataje li ak yon zanmi

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